Luke Goodman, Acting Headteacher at Clifton High School 2024

In her short time with us, Asia has worked hard in developing and disseminating a clear strategy to promote an inclusive, collaborative and diverse community. Leading on various whole school CPD sessions, Asia upskilled the entire community on Race Ethnicity and Nationality Language, Neurodivergence, and ‘Calling In’. Most recently she has supported the School’s HR team to help promote equitable recruitment, in a bid to support diversifying our Staff body.

Alongside defining the strategic aims of her role, Asia created a brand-new Antidiscrimination policy, worked with classroom teachers and Heads of Department to undertake classroom audits and decolonise the curriculum, and began measuring the effectiveness of racial equity initiatives through a Flair survey.

Additionally, Asia has been a real champion for pupil advocacy; supporting the diversity society, pupil council and helping students create events. Asia helped shape aspects of the School’s PSHE offering, taking sessions, delivering assemblies and lining up a range of hugely engaging guest speakers.

In conjunction with the Global Routes Project, where Asia is the Founding Director, pupils enjoyed the experience of cross-curricular photography projects; a practical means and creative scope through which they can actively make links between their own lives, local and global topics and themes; and between the present and the past. Pupils have benefited from working with a professional photographer and having their work exhibited in both Bristol and London.